Teaching Respect, Responsibility, and Leadership


About Us

Maranyundo Girls School is a high performing secondary boarding school in Rwanda providing a science and technology focused education rooted in our core values of respect, responsibility, and leadership. We are dedicated to providing the opportunity for girls from across Rwanda to receive a world-class education. Our private, secular school is located in the poorest district in Rwanda, Bugesera District, which is where the highest percentage of our students come from. We currently enroll over 400 girls from all over Rwanda, of which half receive scholarships. We offer high quality education from S1 through S6 (7th to 12th grade).


Academic Record


Top Performing School

Despite students starting with a wide range of primary school academic preparation and financial resources, our girls consistently place among the best in the country on national exams. Our students score in the top on the National O-Level Exam. Since 2013, all students who have taken the O-level national exam have ranked in Division 1, “With Distinction”. For many years we have students among the top ten. Maranyundo Girls School was consistently rated the #1 girls school in Rwanda for several years until national school rankings were discontinued.


Campus Culture


Caring and Comfortable Environment

The community developed at our school creates a caring and comfortable environment for our students. Each new student is paired with a student from the previous class, called a mother, who acts as a mentor to the younger girl. The mentor of the mentor, or grandmother, also looks after the new student. This system creates a strong network of caring relationships across economic divides and grade levels. 

Maranyundo Girls School is open to girls of all faiths and is owned and administered by the Benebikira Congregation, a Rwandan order of Roman Catholic nuns who have successfully administered schools for decades. The Benebikira Congregation runs a total of 22 highly successful primary, secondary and vocational schools in Rwanda and Burundi that educate a total of 12,180 students a year.

The Benebikira Sisters instill in the students Rwandan values such as discipline and personal responsibility. The school exemplifies the congregation’s unwavering belief in the ability of every girl, regardless of background or family situation, to meet high standards of excellence. Rooted in the sense of community and values, the girls themselves organize student activities outside of class time. Some of the current student-led clubs are Public Speaking, Debate, Basketball, Soccer, Volleyball, Traditional Dance, Modern Dance, Modelling and Fashion, Choir, Peace and Unity, Maranyundo Charity Team, Environment Club, Peace and Love Proclaimers, Art Club, Anti-Drug and Crime Club, and the Reading and Poetry Club. Every year students develop and organize more clubs exemplifying the diversity of our school. 


College Counseling


Bright Futures

Our college counseling program guides our students through the college admission process to ensure that each girl can reach her full potential, in any field or country she chooses.

Maranyundo Girls School alumna have attended the following colleges & universities:


Unites States (USA)

  • Atlantic International University (AIU) (Hawaii)

  • College of the Holy Cross (Massachusetts)

  • Duke University (North Carolina)

  • Duquesne University (Pennsylvania)

  • Lafayette College (Pennsylvania)

  • Minerva University (California)

  • Oregon State University (Oregon)

  • Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota (Minnesota)

  • Smith College (Massachusetts)

  • Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU) (New Hampshire)

  • University of Nebraska-Lincoln (Nebraska)

  • University of Notre Dame (Illinois)

  • University of Southern Maine (Maine)

  • University of Washington (Washington)

  • Wellesley College (Massachusetts)

  • Wheaton College (Massachusetts)

  • Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) (Massachusetts)


  • Algonquin College (Ottawa)

  • Carleton University (Ottawa)

  • Concordia University (Quebec)

  • Durham College (Ontario, Canada)

  • St. Thomas University (New Brunswick)

  • University of Ottawa (Ottawa)

  • University of Toronto (Ontario)


  • Yangtze University (Hubei, China)

  • Earth University (Limón, Costa Rica)

  • Czech University of Life Sciences (CZU) (Prague, Czech Republic)

  • Constructor University (formerly Jacobs University Bremen) (Vegesack, Germany)

  • University of Tor Vergata (Rome, Italy)

  • United States International University-Africa (USIU-Africa) (Nairobi, Kenya)

  • European University of Lefke (Nicosia, Northern Cyprus)

  • Vistula University (Warsaw, Poland)

  • MAT ABACUS Business School (Kampala, Uganda)

  • University of Suffolk (Suffolk, UK)


  • Davis College (Kigali)

  • Davis College - Akilah institute (Kigali)

  • Higher Institute of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry (ISAE) (Musanze)

  • Institute of Applied Sciences (INES-Ruhegeri) (Ruhengeri)

  • Kigali Independent University (ULK) (Kigali)

  • Mount Kenya University (MKU) (Kigali)

  • Ruli Higher Institute of Health (RHIH) (Musasa)

  • Rwanda Institute for Conservation Agriculture (RICA) (Gashora)

  • Umutara Polytechnic (UP) (Nyagatare)

  • Universite Adventiste de Gitwe (Ruhango)

  • University of Kigali (UK) (Kigali)

  • University of Rwanda (Various)

    • College of Education (UR-CE)

    • College of Medicine and Health Sciences (UR-CMHS)

    • College of Science and Technology (UR-CST)

    • Huye Campus

  • Adventist University of Central Africa (AUCA) (Kigali)

  • African Leadership University (ALU) (Kigali)

  • Kepler College (Kigali)
